Transparent price without hidden costs
Global trademark protection
Free preliminary trademark search aided with leading software
Free renewal reminder
Swift response in 24 hours
Strong foothold in HK, China and Singapore and local expertise in US, EU, UK, Australia
One of the top five agents in HK
Professional & personal advice


Our mission is to provide clients with the most cost-effective and time-effective intellectual property protection solutions in view of the applicable laws and the best commercial interests of clients. We aim to be the trusted partner of our clients so that they can focus on the core business activities without worry of violations.


Established in 2009, Accolade has long been providing one-stop premium services and business solutions for our domestic and global clients.

After years of development, we become long-term trustworthy partners among enterprises. Accolade is ranking as the top 5 of Hong Kong e-filing agent and we are well-known in the industry. Albeit Accolade's traditional role has been assisting international clients to establish business presence in Hong Kong, we value the mainland China market as much as we value our overseas market. At this moment, Accolade has more than 60 employees sitting in mainland China, Hong Kong and other overseas branch offices.