
Today, we celebrate the World Intellectual Property Day! World Intellectual Property Day – April 26th #WIPODay #WorldIntellectualPropertyDay In the year 2000, the member states of the World Intellectual Property Organization
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Based in Hong Kong -- Looking At The World Interview with 卓遠 Intellectual Property Co,Ltd. Source: "China Intellectual Property" Magazine No. 202 Continue reading→
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Good luck in the Year of the Dragon, everything goes well, and business thrives 龍年大吉,萬事如意,生意興“龍”
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ACCOLADE 14th Anniversary Celebration & Annual Dinner 2023-2024 卓遠14 週年慶典暨 2023-2024 年周年晚宴
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Hong Kong Top Service Brand Awards Objective “Anugerah Jenama perkhidmatan terbaik Hong Kong ” (Anugerah) bertujuan untuk memberi pengiktirafan kepada jenama perkhidmatan cemerlang yang ditubuhkan oleh syarikat Hong Kong, untuk
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BDA Excellence in Best Marketability Award Ranked #1 in terms of trademark filing volume in Hong Kong for 4 consecutive years. ACCOLADE telah mengumpulkan pengalaman yang kaya dalam industri harta
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