Facebook Feed

7 months ago

Merry Christmas 聖誕快樂
Happy Winter Solstice ​冬至快樂

7 months ago

We had attended the Business of IP Asia Forum from Dec 7-8, 2023 in Hong Kong.

1 year ago

歡迎來 卓遠ACCOLADE 展位#218 洽談
The 13th China International Brand Festival opens
Welcome to visit ACCOLADE booth #218 to discuss

1 year ago

- 榮獲2022香港服務名牌選舉大獎
- Won the 2022 Hong Kong Top Service Brand Awards

主辦 Organized by:
香港品牌發展局 HK Brand Development Council ... See more

1 year ago

2023 INTA Annual Meeting
SINGAPORE | May 16-20, 2023